2:00 p.m. Today while I was cleaning my room, I put a broken glass candle votive in my garbage, of which hangs on my bed post. Well, while I was getting out of bed, I accidentally bumped the garbage and right away, I knew I cut myself on that votive, and immediately put pressure on my cut to stop the bleeding, until my mom rushed up the stairs to see what had happened and could get me a bandage for the time being. My thumb felt like it was going to fall off from the presssure I was putting on my leg.
The snow started falling while I was conditioning at gymnastics, inches started to pile up.
I got out of gymnastics, got dressed and walked out to see the inches of snow on the ground. I cleared off y car, my teamate's, and my coache's car whose sit right next to mine. And drove home in the yucky snow.
I felt like my cut was just getting wider and wasn't getting any better. So I drove back into Monroe, through the yucky snow and weater to the Urgent Care to get [thre e] stitches in my cut. They say the magic number is three so I hope that means it will heal fast.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
This was the second of fifteen weeks of school this winter semester. I’m taking Sociology 251- Modern Social Problems, Speech 151-Human Communications, English 155- Technical Writing, and Math 159- Trigonometry. In my speech class we had to the quote “Forever is composed of nows” by Emily Dickenson and tell three of our ‘nows.’ A now is a moment that has completely captivated by emotions and attention, or moments that “take your breath away.” I want to share some of my now moments with you.
Audrey and the tooth fairy: Audrey and I had been eating pears. I was finished with my pear and went up-stairs with Bethany in her room, a few minutes had gone by and we heard little footsteps coming up. Audrey walks in Bethany’s room with the pear in her hand and a disgusted/scared look on her face. Audrey handed me her pear, telling me how her tooth hurt and felt like it was going to come out. I had her wiggle her tooth and then go in the bathroom and look at it, hoping it would encourage her to wiggle it until it popped out. She comes back with her tooth in her hand and a towel in her mouth, for the bleeding. I asked her how it came out and she replies “I opened my mouth and it just fell on my tongue!” I busted our laughing hysterically and how she had put it “it just fell on my tongue.” Haha… We immediately proceeded to put the tooth in a little sandwich bag and put it under her pillow, being excited about the tooth fairy that was going to come that night for her tooth. I had fallen asleep on the couch that night, didn’t wake up during the night to be the “tooth fairy.” The next morning she came rushing down stairs waking me up, telling me how the tooth fairy hadn’t come during the night! She had been incredibly disappointed! I freaked out because I knew I hadn’t done my job, I ran as fast as my legs would go up to our room, slipped some money under her pillow and took her tooth. I told her the tooth fairy must have been busy last night with a lot of teeth to get to last night and was running a little late. She was gullible enough to accept my answer and went right on with her day. I was like “phew! Thank goodness she accepted my answers.” A few days later she had lost another tooth, and I told myself I wouldn’t mess this one up and do it right. The tooth fairy would be “on time” that night. She put her tooth in her bag and under her pillow just as before, however this time she also put a little ‘thank you’ note along with I with it. When she went to bed, she just sat up and looked out her window; I had asked her why she was looking out her window. She told me she wanted to see the tooth fairy, because she thought she would have the most beautiful dress on.S The tooth fairy also got creative that night and wrote her a note well. The morning following, read her the tooth fairy’s note and she exclaims “the tooth fairy does watch over me!” She was hilarious how happy and excited she was. It makes me go back and think about when I was young; I never had the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, or the Easter Bunny to get excited for. When I have kids, I understand not believing in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny because it teaches children the wrong reason for the holiday; however, the tooth fairy, is fun and have no expectations besides a quarter. To believe in something amazes me how much fun it can be and put a sweet innocent smile on a child’s face along with the “tooth fairy’s” too. Not only is it money under the pillow, but as I have done, the most fun part about it, is being the tooth fairy and writing a simple little letter to her and to hear her excitement makes me want to give her more, and her being completely happy when I gave her $20 and the next time $3.50. She is always just so happy with the littlest amount and content with anything.
Seeing Hannah- Hannah and I grew up together, we were best friends and did everything together. We played together just about every day. We played all sorts of games, activities, and just plain stuff. We would play catch with our softball, we played on the same softball team, played hide-and-go-seek with animals, capture the flag, midnight ghost, did relay races, went on [long] bike rides, walks, ate ice-cream at Calder’s, took funny pictures, dressed-up, planted and maintained Hannah’s vegetable garden, did school in our many forts, cleaned each other’s room, did am other’s hair, had sleep overs, went “camping” together in each other’s yards, going on trips together, and being best friends every day. I loved being able to see her for the first time in six months last February and again in June. I only get to see her twice a year and it makes it really hard. I love her!! I miss her so much and think about her every day. I truly get when someone dies who’s close to them and they say they’re always on their mind, it’s so true, except thank you my dear friend is still alive and just a few hours away but I can only see her two times a year. L I love and miss her so much!!
Coaching gymnastics- Each one my kids that I teach, teach me something in life as well. They always cheer me up on my dullest days and love them!! J I love how innocent and silly little kids can be and wish I could go back and be like that again.
Doing gymnastics-As many as you know, I started gymnastics when I was very young at only three years old. I fell completely in love with it right from the first class. Today, gymnastics is MY place; a place I am focused on myself and the weight of the world is lifted. Even with some bumps in the road, every day is worth fighting for and keeping in shape. I love all my teammates, they complete me and my day when I see them and when we encourage each other, it’s the best feeling in the world to know you have so many people like that in your life.
Becoming an aunt- A few months ago I found out I was an aunt; not only was I an aunt, but I was an aunt of twins!! Hilary Ann and Hunter are the twins’ names. Hilary look exactly like a Younglove while Hunter looks more like the mom’s side.
Hanging out with my friends- My friends mean the world to me. I choose my friends very carefully and wisely. I don’t just choose any person to be my friend; I have many acquaintances and few true friends. Friends are forever, not just a best friend but a true friend. I take friendship very seriously and that’s why I love my friends to death. They keep my world turning and turn my bad days upside down and inside out, into the best day I’ll have in a lifetime.
Playing just dance with my friends- hahahahahahahahhaaha.. what can I say playing “Just Dance” on the Wii with Katie, Chrissy, Skyler, and John is simply amazing and I love it!! J
Being with Audrey- Audrey is one of the most caring and sweetest people I’ve ever met. She always helps me with anything I ask. She helps me pack my lunches in the morning, gives me massages, sings to me, always helps me to feel better when I’m not feeling well, understands me, brightens me every morning, day, and night, and is simply the best sister I could ever ask for!!! I love her with all of my heart, to infinity and beyond.
Seeing Audrey for the first time-* just a side note I don’ like cooking at all!!* On August 14, 2006 my mom went to the hospital to get induced to deliver a cute baby little sister! I woke up early, filled with excitement, along with my sister, Bethany. All we could do is cook and talk about the little ear, eyes, and nose that would soon come home! J
Holding Grandma Younglove’s hand when she died- My Grandma Younglove lived just around the block from our house. I remember she always had candy out. Right when you walked in the door to the right, there was a small, brown, three foot high cabinet with a cream colored clothe draping over the top had three candy jars sitting on top. One jar had green jellies, another red jellies, and the last jar was filled with orange jellies. I would over and visit her and my grandpa frequently. I don’t remember a lot that we did, because she passed away when I was only ten years old. I miss them very much and all the memories I’ve made at that house. We spent almost every Easter at their house with all the cousins and nights helping them around the house, like a mini-nurse. It was like a second home to me, it has created me into who I am today, and it will always be a part of me. I miss them very much.
R.I.P Grandma and Grandpa Younglove <3
Going to the funeral of Megan Miller and Charlie Warren- Charlie Warren was a friend that I graduated with. We sat right next to each other in our Freshman English class. Megan and I sat next to each other during our Study Hall and laughed every day, and getting yelled at by Mrs. Haddox, the art teacher to be quiet. But we wouldn’t listen, but instead we would laugh and do our math together. Going to their funerals gave me a wake-up call. It showed me that I take every day for granted, acting as if I deserve it, when the truth is I deserve one more day. I’ve decided to make every day laughing just as we and Megan did, care-free and having the best of every situation.
My Senior Prom- My senior prom was early in the year, on April 2, 2011; it was a windy and cold day, sprinkling in some parts of the day, and the sun only peaked out of the clouds but only a few times. I had gotten ready at Kyle’s house after I had finish gymnastics practice. Bethany did my hair and make-up beautifully. After I left Kyle’s I went over to Jener’s and she got her make-up done by her neighbor. We went back home and got into our dresses and completely ready for pictures. Our plan was to drive to the Botanical Gardens in three cars: Jener and Jake in one car, John and Maria in another, and me in third. We were on our way, I was following John and Maria because I had no clue how to get to the Gardens, where pictures were being taken. I had gotten lost in Toledo and had been driving around for two hours, searching around for a sign, any sign that would help lead me in the right direction. I finally gave up and found a landmark I recognized and knew my way home. I had almost been home, until I saw a limousine fly past me and knew in that instant “that limo was going to prom!” I instantiously stopped and did an illegal u-turn in the middle of the road, followed the limo to the house where it picked up a party that was going to the party. I followed it to prom, but in just so happened that it turned left into a sub-division, turned around, and went back towards the house where the party had been picked up. I didn’t want to lose out on anything and I followed that limo every turn of the way. I finally got to prom on time and sat with Jener and Jake. (let me remind you that I followed the limo…….. while in a VAN.. can you say creep!!!)
When I was baptized- I was baptized in December of 2000. I gave my life and heart to Jesus and I have never been the same. He’s continually changing and shaping me into the woman I’m supposed to be. I am continually to grow in Him and thank Him every day for what He’s done for me.
My first day of school in 7th and 9th grade- I was homeschooled up until seventh grade. I didn’t want to go to school, and was very angry that my mom would even think of putting me in school, let alone actually going through it. I hated every minute of those first days. I couldn’t comprehend much of what was being said because I was so mad that I was going to school.
Riding on my dad’s bike bar when I was 3- My dad and I would do a lot of work together outside. I would help him plant the gardens, sit in the wheelbarrow to and from our destinations. We also would go on bike rides, get the mail, and go to the library together as well. Before I could ride my own bicycle well, I would ride on his bicycle bar; I loved it!! I miss being little again and riding on the bar.
My gymnastics meets- I started competing when I was only seven years old with my sister Bethany. I can remember my first meet. Our competition leotard was purple, dark velvet on the bottom and little purple circle shiny top; I thought it was the most beautiful leotard I had ever seen in my whole life!!! It was in Sandusky, Ohio. I won box of chocolates, got my first gymnastics shirt that says “If Gymnastics Were Easy, It Would Be Called Football.” It was the best day of my life. Then a few years later, and I had gotten my first long-sleeved leotard. The day I got it, my friend Danielle and I were so enthused by the sparkles on the leotard and thought that the judges would be too distracted by the beauty of it and give us a 10.0 and were hyped up by that thought! Lastly last May I had my senior year state meet, it may be the last meet ever in my career. I didn’t realize that it might have been my last meet and I may never compete again. I do remember laughing a lot with my coaches, Nemo (my teammate), and coach we rotated with. After that meet, we went out to eat and had a good time. I hope I will get another chance to compete one last time this year and experience it all over again.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Welcome [Sparkle Bubbles]
Audrey’s been really sad and down ever since Georgie(our black lab) was put down a few months ago, in the summer of 2011. Today Audrey and I were cleaning our bedroom together. She had run an errand to put some hair stuff in our bathroom, she came back, laid in our bed, and told me she was sad. She then sat in my lap and told me why; she explained that she’s been missing Georgie, because she was “very special” to her and that she would always play hide-and-go-seek with her. She was her best companion and loved Georgie with all her heart. After gymnastics I got her a big blue spikey beta fish, and we put it in a bowl, and now loves her new beta fish named, Sparkle Bubbles just as much as Georgie. She put up a sign for Sparkle Bubbles to read that says “Audrey Loves Sparkle Bubbles” so the fish will know how much she loves her and wishes her a goodnight and tells her she loves her before going to bed. She loves her new fish, Sparkle Bubbles. So welcome to our family Sparkle, you are loved dearly!!
Monday, January 2, 2012
A look back...
As 2011 leaves me behind, I decided to look back at all the great memories I had throughout the year, only remembering the good and great memories I made.
Went to go see Sr. Marie Bernadette at the convent
First meet of the season, capital cup.
Ate Mongolian barbeque for the first time, with chopsticks.
Went to see a Michigan gymnastics meet.
My best friend turned 18; I took her out to Applebees for her birthday
Went dress shopping with Jener Delane
Went to Prom- just about didn’t get to either!
Went ice skating for the first time with the Writing Fellows
21st: My mom’s 50th birthday.
Had my state meet
10th: I turned 18 and became a legal adult. Got 78 “happy birthdays” over Facebook
Saw a Cirque Du Soliel show for the first time ever, it the most amazing show ever!
21st: I survived the “Ending of the World.”
I received two scholarships for college.
Had a Capman girls day at the Botanical Gardens and then went to my favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse.
1st: Last day of school. It would have been May 27th, but I twisted my ankle the 26th and was put in a boot and couldn’t walk.
2nd: I graduated from Ida High School, and walked down with my best friend, Jener Delane Katherine Reilly.
3rd: Tumbled on the wrestling mats with my English teacher, Mrs. Reaume.
10th: Had a lot of fun at our Annual Gymnastics Recital
15th: I started babysitting for the summer for two adorable little girls: Madison and Natalie.
31st: Started my first day of work at Bath and Body Works
14th: Audrey turned 5 years old
26th: First day of full-time college student
11th: Saw my first double rainbow
All the Capman girls went up north and had a blast at my Aunt Crissy in Mancelona.
31st: My first time going Trick-or-Treating in my life. Thank you Nancy Fergy ;)
Audrey started gymnastics
I finally got my first phone.
Had a great time with the Capman girls at Annette’s house
Started blogging
25th: Had an amazing Thanksgiving with mi familia
12th: Last day of Fall Semester (Winter Break for a month!!!! :D )
24th: had great Christmas with my family
31st: had great Christmas and New Year's Eve with my family
My New Year's resolution is to continue to eat healthy, but do better than I have been doing lately. Eat healthy, stop being lazy at school and do better for myself.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Progressive Dinner
December 27, 2011
Every month all the girls above 18 years old on my mom’s side all hang out once a month. Every December we have what we call [progressive dinner]. All twelve of us girls dress up and go to the [first] house and all eat an appetizer and or dinner, hang out and spend time together. Then travel to the next house and eat desert.
On December 27, 2011 I had to work 12:00p.m. to 3:30p.m. at Bath and Body Works; our party had started at 4:00p.m. I knew that 'to-be-on-time', I had to boot scoot and boogy my butt to the party and that meant, leaving right after work without any dilly dally. I walked into work right on time at 11:57a.m. and worked; I was usually checking customers out or helping them find product they wanted, answering questions, doing shippment ect. ect... 3:15p.m. rolled around so I had my manager check-out my items that I wanted to buy and by the time I had been finished with it all it was 3:30.pm. so I clocked-out and changed into my dress in our store-bathroom with the help of my amazing manager, Erin! :) After I was already, I came out, behind the counter to unlock my wallet and of course, working with all girls, heard many compliments on my dress and was happy to be fitting in my dress and wearing it once more before I might gain too much weight and not fit into any longer.
It had been snowing outside, and all I had worn to work was a sweatshirt; with all my managers being so motherly like, I was forced to buy a jacket to wear so I wouldn't freeze my butt of driving to my party in my van that has been heatless for two years.
I carried all my three heavy bags through the mall, into American Eagle, trying to find a jacket that would match my dress. The bags were heavy and hurting my fingers, my dress was falling off me, and I was just having the darnest and hardest time ever; I couldn't concentrate on finding a jacket, only that my dress falling off of me and I was having to pull it up (in public) every 5 seconds (which I feel is really rude doing in public, but hey better a girl pulling up their dress than seeing their boobs right??...(damn dresses that fall off!) So I finally picked out a jacket, and waited FOREVER to get checked out while my fingers get ripped off from the bags, hangers my clothes were on, and as my dress slowly slips down farther and father.... It was finally my turn to get checked out, I got the associate who's really nice and talks to you to check me out. Of course he gets so interested in my [dress-pulling-up-skills] he forgot to enter in my $10 off coupon, so he had to return everything and then re-buy everything and use my coupon and then ask for all my information since it was a return.... wait forever,,,, pull up my dress,, and finally leave American Eagle.
I walk out into the cold, flurry, snowy weather without my jacket on, all to find some moron parked so close to my drivers side that I had to squeeze between the two vehicles sideways WITH all four of my bags!! I CAREFULLY and slowly open my door so I won't hit the moron's car beside me, lift all the bags into my car, and into the passenger side seat, which was full, and all in my dress that was falling down. I finally got situated, put on my jacket I bought turn my car on, plug in my space heater, so I will hopefully be able to see out my frosted windsheild after waiting a bit to defrost a little circle to see out of.
...So then I had to drive to the gym which is only three or so minutes away from work, drop a gift for a gift exchange there, which I was going to miss and then finally drive to my party. By the time I got to leave the gym it had already been 4:00p.m. and I was shivering.
SO the Party,, and Progressive Dinner...
This year we all went to our Aunt Lyndene’s house for the dinner, which was DELICIOUS! We had cabbage salad, twice-baked potatoes, sweet potatoes casserole, asparagus casserole, pork with glaze, rolls, and cook cinnamon apples. I sat in the dining room with my cousins Jennifer, Rebekah, and Leslie, two aunts Erin and Lyndene, and then my sister Bethany. It was a good time; we talked and laughed a lot while we were eating our fabulous meal.
The entire meal was so delicious, the sweet potatoes tasted like desert along with the cooked apples. After all of us [12 girls] were all done eating our wonderful dinner, we sat around and talked and of course laughed a lot, mostly at nothing, striving for attention from girls in the kitchen. Then we all went to my cousin Jennifer’s for desert, games, and an elephant gift exchange.
There were many delicious deserts as ever! There was mocha punch, cream puffs, cheesecake, chocolate covered pretzels, anise (annnnn-issssss) cookies, buckeyes, and chocolate peanut covered butter chunks.
The first game we played was a guessing game, Jennifer had an apron on that had polka dot trimming, and we were to guess the amount of dots that were on her apron, my cousin Rebekah won at a guess of 350. Then we played a game that we all drew a candy cane out of a jar and who ever got the shortest candy cane (which was cut) won, my favorite, Aunt Netsie won. ;) The next game we played was “Honey if you love me?” We went in a circle; a person to the right would sit on their lap and would say “Honey if you love me, smile” and then they would reply without a smile, chuckle, or laugh “Honey, I love you, but I just can’t smile.” If you smile, chuckle, or laugh you’re out and lose. If you know my family, we have a great array of hilarious personalities and it is impossible not to laugh with the things these girls. We had a grand time coming up with ways to make the person laugh of details that stay within the Capman Girls. Everyone at least smiled or grinned. My Aunt Lyndene won our game. Then we did our white elephant gift exchange. I received an air freshener, smells wonderful, I have placed it in our upstairs bathroom. After our fun time with our exchange, then we played a rowdy game of catch phrase, celebrity game, and a funny game of Mafia(directed my Jennifer).
My cousin, Leslie had gotten an IPad for Christmas, she took pictures on her “ ‘lol’ cam,” which makes you look like a funny alien is the best way to describe the outcomes of it. After a night full of laughter, we all went home and had fun sleeping away.
I'll post up pictures from it later, cause I don't have any right now.I wore the same dress I wore for homecoming with straight hair. I don't have picture of the event... yet. (this is homecoming day)
Story about my dress: As I wrote before, I wore my homecoming dress, that I wore my senior year in 2010 and was constantly pulling it up one year later in American Eagle. Since I've worn my dress last on homecoming day, I have gradually lost weight (by eating healthier) and I had forgotten that when you loose weight and don't wear a dress in a long time, that you forget the size. The dress had been two sizes too big, literally. I guess that means one thing..... Time to get more dresses!! :)
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