Audrey Leigh Younglove:
My little sister. She's adorable in every way and I love her to death <3 She is my mini-me.
I love you to infinity and beyond! <3
My little sister. She's adorable in every way and I love her to death <3 She is my mini-me.
I love you to infinity and beyond! <3
- Jener Delane Katherine Reilly:
We met in gym class, our freshman year of highschool and through it all, we graduated together as well. We've been through a lot together. <3 I'm so proud to say that I have a great friend, that will always be there when I need her.
We met in gym class, our freshman year of highschool and through it all, we graduated together as well. We've been through a lot together. <3 I'm so proud to say that I have a great friend, that will always be there when I need her.
- Nancy Lee Ferguson:
Nancy and I also met in gym class our freshman year of highschool. She has grown so much and I'm so proud for who she's become and the changes she's made. My little lunch buddy!
I went trick-or-treating for the first time with my brohan! :)
Nancy and I also met in gym class our freshman year of highschool. She has grown so much and I'm so proud for who she's become and the changes she's made. My little lunch buddy!
I went trick-or-treating for the first time with my brohan! :)
Senior Homecoming Game
Class of 2011!
Ashley Brinkmeier:
We met through college, having three of four classes together made college seem so much better! :) Making our own movie theater during our lunches, wasting time, not doing homework like we should, and having the time of our lives! :) Bring it on Winter Semster! :) We owned winter semester! :) I hope you pursue your dream to be a vet. :)
Studying for Biology at Panera Bread
Wasting time at the Lazy-Boy Center
Tom and Jerry
- Nicole Kazcmerak:
The best teamate and big sister I could ever ask for. She's always willing to hear my venting, and constantly give me advice. She continually supports and encourages me and all my gymnastics; because of her, I've become a better coach, gymnast, friend, and teamate. I love her!! :) Go Nic-Nic you're the best!
The best teamate and big sister I could ever ask for. She's always willing to hear my venting, and constantly give me advice. She continually supports and encourages me and all my gymnastics; because of her, I've become a better coach, gymnast, friend, and teamate. I love her!! :) Go Nic-Nic you're the best!
- Karla Eshleman:
I've known Karla since I was three and started little tot gymnastics. She's been my strong hold and my best supporter throughout my life. She's my second mother.
I've known Karla since I was three and started little tot gymnastics. She's been my strong hold and my best supporter throughout my life. She's my second mother.
Carson Eshleman:
My little brother, who is fabulous at gymnastics and going to be an Olympian one day.